Artist Charles Fazzino Unveils New 3D Pop Art for White House Historical Center
When guests pop into the soon-to-open White House Visitor’s Center at 1700 Pennsylvania Ave., right across the street from the White House, they’ll have quite the pop art to experience!
Artist Charles Fazzino unveiled his latest work which will be showcased at the White House Historical Association’s new space to a crowd of DC who’s who at Cafe Milano on Wednesday night. The 3D art piece will be on display at “The People’s House: A White House Experience.”
C-SPAN’s Howard Mortman introduced the Association’s Anita McBride and Fazzino, who already has quite the following in Washington, DC, before a short Q&A.
McBride pointed out a few of the pictorial narratives within Fazzino’s larger image of the White House and lawn, explaining how the piece was made up of images like John Kennedy Jr. peeking out from the Resolute Desk, Michelle Obama doing jumping jacks on the lawn with students to secure a Guinness World Record, various pets of the White House, and Edith Wilson looking over the shoulder of President Woodrow Wilson.
“The White House is the center of the world,” Fazzino told attendees of the unveiling. “I could have probably done ten pieces because there was so much to put in as I researched.”
“I tried to pick something from each decade,” he added, admitting that his mother had been an avid collector of the White House Historical Association’s annual ornaments, which gave him ideas for the piece.
Like the artwork, the new White House Historical Association space, which opens to the public on Monday, features stories of the executive mansion as well as those who live and work within.
Prints of Fazzino’s piece will also be on hand for sale to benefit the non-profit organization.