[Party Pix] Kicking Off WHCD Weekend Chez Gloria Story Dittus

On the eve of White House Correspondents Dinner weekend, local PR powerhouse Gloria Story Dittus welcomed over 120 journalists, news anchors, policymakers and the flacks that try to wrangle them all to her stunning Kalorama home for the inaugural Welcome to Washington: A img_6902Salute to Women in Journalism. 

Co-hosted by NBC’s Betsy Fischer Martin, the Washingtonian’s Cathy Merrill Williams (a neighbor of Gloria’s!), CNN’s Dana Bash, CBS’s Jan Crawford and the New Republic’s Julia loffe, the cocktail reception was a who’s who of female media stars: spotted at the event were Gloria Borger, S.E. Cupp, Matt Dornic, Chris Frates, Chris Hughes, Judy Woodruff, Emily Heil, Nancy Cordes… and so many more.

img_6913“After having built my own firm over 30 years and admired women who’ve done great things in their careers, we [Story Partners] decided there was a spot in WHCD weekend for an event that honored women,” said Story Dittus in an interview.

Sponsored by The New Republic, Southern Company and the Beer Institute, the event treated guests to the Motown band Out of Town Blues Band and a whole lot of excitement (and estrogen!).