DIY Flower Crowns, A Spring Staple Fashion Accessory

Weekend No. 2 of Coachella is approaching and flower crowns are becoming a staple fashion accessory at the popular music festival, and beyond.  So whether you’re headed there — or even if you’re not — you’ll want to know how to make one of these sweet toppers for an upcoming summer concert… a trendy picnic… a dreamy Saturday…

What you’ll need:

Floral tape, floral glue, shears, leather cord and flowers.Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 10.56.39 PM

Step 1: Start with two long strands of a wispy flower with a bendable stalk. Here, we’re using Delphiniums.  Measure so each strand goes a little over half of your head. Trim the stems and tie a piece of leather cord to the end of each strand.

Step 2: Use the floral tape to connect the ends of the two strands to create the base of your crown.

Step3. Next create mini bouquets with your blooms holding them together with your floral tape.

Step 4. Connect the bouquet to the base of the crown with your tape.

Step 5. Continue making small bouquets and attaching them to your base. Tip: Keep your stems  2-3 inches long.

Step 6: Once you’ve pretty much filled the entire crown base with flowers, use your glue to cover any visible tape or empty spots with more blooms and strands of orange blooms. Tip: You could pretty much glue the whole thing together if you really wanted to.

Step 7. Try it on, make sure it fits, and enjoy.Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 10.56.55 PM

* Instructions courtesy of Lucky Darling