[Vid] A Sneak Peek Inside the New Sixty Vines Foggy Bottom

Sixty Vines — the “winemaker’s restaurant” — is set to open their newest location in Foggy Bottom on May 15th. At it’s first DC location, the restaurant known for its revolutionary wine on-tap program and vineyard-inspired cuisine,
invites guests to sip and savor 60 different wines on tap selected from wine-country regions around the globe.

K Street magazine got an exclusive look inside the new location while in its final phase of construction. Here’s a sneak peek inside the new Sixty Vines in Foggy Bottom:

Each location has 60 wines on tap, available to try in multiple sizes, which makes it easy to create your own flight. The wine list is constantly rotating, so you’ll be able to experience new wines at almost every visit. (And by drinking wine on tap, Sixty Vines claims it saves 1,560 bottles, corks, and labels from landfills with every keg used, so those are more sustainable sips your going back for every time!)

Image courtesy: Sixty Vines

Sixty Vines Director of Restaurant Openings Kristopher Johnson told KSM, “We believe in a pinkies down approach to wine… making it open and friendly and fun,” and while it’s a large space, Sixty Vines is undoubtedly a great gathering spot for a wide variety of meet-ups. From the bar to communical tables, smaller tabletops, and private rooms, there is space for everyone and a tap to suit every taste.

And while it’s almost all about the wine, there is a wonderfully curated food selection here, too. All made in house, with locally sourced ingredients where possible. Unlike other restaurants, Johnson said Sixty Vines “took the wine list and created it first and then built the food menu around that.”

Signature menu items include charcuterie boards, seasonal proteins, wood-fired pizzas and pasta dishes. But we have it on good authority that the pork chop is a Sixty Vines must-not-miss!