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Spike’s Newest Spot Coming to Fairfax’s The St. James


Spike’s got a new spot!  Chef Spike Mendelsohn has been a busy guy. His latest partnership will entice fans and foodies out to The St. James in Fairfax to an as-yet unnamed restaurant that plans to open in September.

 To complement his offerings at Good Stuff Eatery, We, The Pizza and Santa Rosa Taqueria, Spike is “designing a chef-driven, communal experience featuring gourmet dishes and locally-sourced ingredients” for the 450,000-square foot sports, wellness and active entertainment destination.STJ_REST_DD-08

Of course there will be indulgent items — Spike is known for his burgers and pizzas — but healthy items are obviously promoted as well. And The St. James will serve as a community-supported agriculture location, where members can pick up locally grown produce.

“It’s been an exciting challenge for me to design the concept of this new space along with the team at The St. James,” said Mendelsohn, who also serves as Chair of Washington, DC’s Food Policy Council, which coordinates citywide efforts to address food access and works to grow the local food economy. “I’m STJ_REST_DD-06passionate about creating healthy foods that not only taste good, but also will meet the needs of people of all ages leading very active lives. Our new concept at The St. James gives me the opportunity to fulfill my passion to help active people meet their high demand needs.”

The new restaurant will have a lounge, a market café (focused on serving delicious and healthy prepared meals, wraps, fruit and vegetables, smoothies, juices and coffee), and a bar experience.  The restaurant will cater to the entire complex, including its many individual sports venues, the spa and the active entertainment center.

Renderings credit HKS.