Young Professionals in Foriegn Policy Reflect of Lives, Careers Post 9-11

“Ten years after 9-11, we are in an incredibly different spot than we were in on 9-12,” said Sarah King, Special Assistant to the Special Representative to Muslim Communities at the U.S. Department of State. “There is also a difference in the way we speak about Muslim communities, about terrorism writ large… and about Al Quada.”
King, one of five young professional panelists, spoke Tuesday evening of the impact of that fateful day upon her life. Just a few days in advance of the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks, she joined the the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy at a special event to commemorate and reflect on how lives and career paths were affected by the tragic events.

“Would I have this job if it weren’t for 9-11? Frankly no,” she admitted. “And I think all of us who have jobs created by the crisis wish that our jobs didn’t exist. But it’s important that we work on these issues to make a safer and more secure world for everyone.”

“Until we live in that world, we will have to do these jobs.”