The District Dish: Betterific

Wouldn’t it be Better If… ?!  Inventions, innovations and imaginations come alive on the newest site/app available to crowdsource ideas for future production. We dish with the co-Founder of the DC based Betterific, Micha Weinblatt, on the newest episode of The District Dish:

New in Nosh: Nara

Just launched for DC Tuesday, Nara is a food finder website (and mobile app, obvi!) that you can think of as Pandora and Yelp, combined. It’ll learn your tastes — literally — to form a tailored list of restaurant recommendations.  And it gets smarter the more… Read More

The District Dish: 1776 DC

Because 1776 is where revolutions start.  1776DC is a local revolution — changing the way start-up companies come together and use the assets of “the most powerful city in the world.”  Donna Harris, co-Founder of this hot new concept and space explains more: