Strathmore Gets a PULSE

They do say Medicine is an art.  And art can surely be described as therapeutic.  So maybe it’s not so odd that Strathmore has teamed up with Johns Hopkins University to explore the intersection of the two with its latest exhibit, PULSE, opening this Saturday, February 16, 2013.

There will be the usual medical drawings (from staff and students in the Department of Arts as Applied to Medicine) alongside atypical art like a 13 foot long abstract wooden double helix, X-Ray scans of toys, glass bacteria and kinetic pulse2sound sculptures… in exhibitions like Virgil Wong‘s “Corporeal Landscape,” Bruce Peebles’ world premiere works based on the study of cymatics (the study of visible sound and vibration), Luke Jerram‘s microbial viral glass sculptures, and more.

From clinically medical to mental health, the PULSE of this exhibit is how the worlds of art and science merge with work that is both utilitarian and unique.

*Images courtesy of Strathmore