Around TownEats

Sofitel’s De-Light Lunch That Much More Delightful with New Garden Offerings

20150630_124625_7_bestshotDC’s Golden Triangle is known for being very busy on weekday mornings, where crowds of people surround the intrepid commuter. But Sofitel Washington DC hotel offers a moment of respite from the hustle and bustle.

The De-Light lunch at the hotel’s iCi Urban Bistro ($28), is a light but satisfying meal that has been tempting customers for a few years now… but is now becoming even more sustainable, local and de-lightfully convenient: For those who are in a hurry to get back to work, the meal takes only about 30 minutes to receive and eat.

Now, iCi Urban Bistro’s executive chef Franck Loquet doesn’t just find interesting ingredients that could come from your own backyard garden — or rooftop apiary — but also includes edible flowers and small rapini sourced  from The Chef’s Garden in Ohio — which caters to chefs as far as Hong Kong and Dubai. With the rotations that The Chef’s Garden does with its products, the variety of vegetables can reach more than 400 different types!

Four different dishes, low calorie servings, and a finish without the feeling of having eaten too much.