MakeSpace Brings ‘Closets in the Cloud’ to DC

What is it? MakeSpace is new kind of self-storage concept. Why do I need it? Tiny apartment with even tinier closet space meets clothes and accessories addiction… enough said. How does it work? Request storage bins (they’ll be delivered to your door). Pack your belongings (yes, you have to do this part yourself!) MakeSpace will pick them up and create a nifty photo catalog of each bin so you can view and retrieve items — from any bin at any time to anywhere (in the contiguous Unites States).
We love it! How much does it cost? MakeSpace costs just $25/month to store 4 large (3 cubic feet) bins.
Just in time to make room in the closets for spring/summer clothes. No cloudy days wanted. Just cloudy closets. We may never visit a storage unit again!