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Inside the 17th Annual Hope Awards Dinner

Members of CREW DC (Commercial Real Estate Women), one of the event sponsors, posing at the Step & Repeat –by Calvary staff member Amy Hudzik

On Wednesday (May 16th), Calvary Women’s Services gathered partners and supporters at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center to celebrate another year of empowering homeless women. The event featured a cocktail reception, silent and live auctions, dinner, remarks, and presentation of the Hope Award.

Executive Director Kris Thompson, honoree Marie C. Johns, Board Development Chair Kelly Veney Brinkley, and Board President Colleen Wevodau

Presented annually to a local leader who has shown outstanding dedication to improving the lives of women and girls, the 2018 Hope Award recognized The Honorable Marie C. Johns.  Among Ms. Johns career distinctions include serving as Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) under President Obama, membership to the Greater Washington Business Hall of Fame, and holding senior positions in the telecommunications industry, including President of Verizon Washington.  Calvary Women’s Services applauded her “tireless work to provide underprivileged youth with access to education and job opportunities in the technology sector.”

Proceeds from the event will go toward strengthening Calvary’s housing, health, education and employment services. Kris Thompson, Executive Director, also announced Calvary’s newest program, Reach Up. Thanks to generous funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and The Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness, Reach Up will provide housing to an additional 30 women.

*Unless otherwise noted, images credit Don Baker Digital