Around TownDishParties/Events

Diner en Blanc – Get Ready for a 4th Edition of this ‘White Out’

1If you were near the Observatory at American Square late last month, you may have gotten a tiny taste of Le Diner en Blanc.

Le Diner en Blanc? Ā It’s that all-white annual secret dinner party picnic that DC’s in the know have been attending for the past few years.

The location is always a mystery until moments before, but a pre-event party was heldĀ at the Observatory at American Square.2

Diner en Blanc began in Paris many years ago, and has since spread to other cities across the world. The rules are easy to follow: Wear white, and enjoy dinner. Ā GuestsĀ bring their own picnic fare — chairs, tables, and dinner — to set up an elegant, and all white, flash mob supper under the stars.

And last month’s preview whetted the appetite for how spectacular DC’s 4th annualĀ event will be! All guests had a taste of the official champagne 3and sampled other wines that were available at the venue. They also enjoyed Mike Isabellaā€™s picnic offerings along with other bite-sized tastings that were on display. It was anĀ unforgettable evening of elegance and magic while overlooking the Capital building.

Now… stay tuned to find out where the actual event will be held on August 26th.