The Best Way to Wrap Up Holiday Wants, Charitably

Instead of giving another tie or candle this year, DC’s chicly charitable may be boxing up
hope and happiness this holiday season.  Here’s two ways how it can happen:

First, there’s Gifts That Give Hope‘s 2nd annual Gift Fair in Arlington on Saturday, December 8, (10AM – 2PM), which features 15 local and global nonprofit organizations for a cause close to everyone’s heart.  Shoppers can purchase alternative gifts — like sponsoring a birthday party for a child in need, providing food for a homeless veteran, or paying for a heartworm test for a dog in a shelter — that will directly benefit the mission of those organizations.  Then give a card to your friend that alerts them a gift was given in their honor.

Or were you thinking of just giving a generic gift card? sends pre-purchased e- or physical cards to your recipient… and they pick up to three charities to benefit.  It is thoughtful of you and meaningful to your gift-recipient.

Either way is awesome for alternative gifting.

Make a wont out of the season’s wants!