Barton Seaver Gets Biblical at a Clean Life Ladies Luncheon

A meal and a Sunday sermon.

When A Clean Life* advocate and experimenter Amy Senger invited sustainable food fanatic Barton Seaver to speak at her Zola Wine & Kitchen Sunday ladies luncheon, she wasn’t expecting him to quote the Bible.  But the popular and well-traveled Chef thought it best to get his point across with a little light pulpit pounding.

“There’s a story in the bible story about loaves and fishes,” said Seaver.  “Jesus turned [a small amount] into a meal for thousands, and that’s a great allegory of where we are today – trying to find more food to feed more people.  What I really like about this story is that these people only took what they needed… and then they gathered crumbs so that nothing would be wasted.  Woah. What an idea!”

*A Clean Life advocates for zero waste and fresh food through the advancement of local Farmer’s Markets and sustainability methods.