Awesome Con Returns with Science Fair!

It’s not just in the Lego Movie that everything is awesome. No, DC has its own Awesome Con — the biggest annual comic and pop culture convention in town. But this year it’s about more than just celebrating all aspects of geekdom and pop culture (though we know you love those comic books, collectibles, toys, games, original art, and cosplay).
This year, science meets science-fiction with a side of technology, engineering, astronomy, and more at Awesome Con’s Science Fair, returning to the convention on Friday, August 20 to Sunday, August 22 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
This isn’t just a bunch of techies talking Star Trek — though it’s totally that, too (Panel details: “Star Trek Tech” – 2PM – August 20 – Room 144AB)! The guest of honor is Adam Savage famed for the Discovery Channel’s MythBusters, as well as starring in and producing content for Tested. In “An Hour with Adam Savage” on the Main Stage (Friday, August 21) Savage will give fans a scientific sneak peek into his mythical mind!
Attendees can expect a range of other leaders and experts from organizations that represent scientific advancement and education across numerous industries — including NASA and the National Science Foundation. Attendees of all ages will be able to engage and ask pressing questions as well as participate in hands-on tech demos and workshops, all focused on fostering awareness and enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
And this awesomeness doesn’t skip over the women, inviting some of the talented women who work at NASA including Dawn Myers, Nayi Castro, Lora Bleachor, Natalie Curran, and Sabrina Thompson to dish on how they started their science careers and discuss the sometimes crazy paths they took to get where they are today and the challenges they’ve faced. (Panel details: “Women at NASA” – 12:45PM – August 21 – Room 144AB)
From a prehistoric giant screen adventure (Panel details: “Dinosaurs of Antarctica” – 3:15PM – August 21 – Room 144AB) to the potential for life on Mars (Panel details: “Uncovering Mars through New and Future Missions” – 7PM – August 21 – Room 144AB), those at Awesome Con’s Science Fair will explore glaciers on a quest to uncover the Earth’s secret past and traverse the Martian surface in an almost parallel search for signs of life.
And there’s no separate charge for all of this SCIENCE! Science Fair will take place during Awesome Con 2021 with no separate ticket required to attend events. Admission to Awesome Con includes access to attend Science Fair’s panels, exhibits, and events.