Text N3 to 71588

If you were not at the Nationals vs. Orioles Expo game on Saturday night (perhaps you were watching the Final Four instead!?) you missed my audition to be the new Nationals female host – but you can still vote for me to win the job!

I had the priviledge of presenting the ‘Random Act of Red’ promotion at Saturday’s game, where lucky fans who wore red were given game worn alternate red jerseys. What an incentive to rally around the red to support the Washington Nationals! Unfortunately, my mic was not on for most of my ‘audition,’ so I have to hope that was excitement was just as easily seen as heard.

The selection for the female co-host with Clint will be made on April 17th, so until then, please text in your votes to 71588. To chose me, type N3.

Thanks – and see you at the baseball games!