Around TownParties/Events

Inside VIDA Fitness’ 10th Anniversary Party

20160618_200508_6_bestshotSpending the night away with friends and other loved ones is an aspect of life that makes a city vibrant. Washington, DC is no exception.

VIDA Fitness celebrated its 10th anniversary on Saturday night. Crowds of people relaxed and enjoyed drinks, good conversation, and panoramic views of the city while hanging out on the rooftops.

While lively and cheerful music pulsed throughout the building, one room provided a stark contrast to the celebratory mood: that room was lit with tea light candles, studded with white roses, and featured a board where guests could write their thoughts 20160618_201538_6_bestshoton the recent Orlando shooting.

Messages included a lot of comments about the power of love, including “Love conquers all,” “Love is love always,” and “Love wins!” Guests were also given the option of wearing white ribbons on their clothing in order to remember the tragedy.

The VIDA Fitness anniversary party, however, was also an occasion to celebrate life. Attendees could show off their bodies and carry signs about how VIDA Fitness contributed to their lives, which included statements like “I want to look good naked,” “So 20160618_202001_7_bestshotmy ass matches my sass,” “I’m a barre babe,” and “Real women lift weights.”

Alcohol was also served during the event, which means that for this special occasion… it was okay to not opt for the healthy-sounding smoothies that VIDA Fitness normally offers on the premises.

At a tenth anniversary, indulgence in inevitable!