With Sincere Appreciation

It’s already been determined that Tuesday is the new Thursday, the night when everyone is out without a care about the following workday. So what is Thursday? Yep – still Thursday.

Nothing says ‘I’m going to get the young professionals involved in my campaign’ like an open bar party at one of the neighborhoods favorite haunts, so of course I took some of my politically minded friends to meet incumbent Councilman Jack Evans at the Rookery. No kiss and shake here! Rookery owner, Bo Blair, and Councilman Evans spoke a bit about the campaign and Jack’s accomplishments during his several terms in office. Then Jack confused us a bit by calling for “change”… You want us to keep you in office, right??

Obama can keep the change, Jack. You want to call for stability. It’s ok. We still love you. Ward 2 wouldn’t be the same with out you.

And in extreme appreciation for Hillpix, we braved a new neighborhood to congratulate photographer extraordinaire Pat Ryan on his new website http://www.ryanphoto.com/. I have to credit Pat with my start as as model – he took my first portfolio shots. Proof that lights, make-up, and shutterflys can make all the difference! Congratulations, Pat!