Salahis to District: “We’re Back!”

Officially kicking off the polo season in preparation for their America’s Polo Cup, Real Housewives of DC cast hopefuls Tareq and Michaele Salahi pitted Hollywood against Bollywood with the Power Players Thursday night at District nightclub.

“”We’re back and it feels so good to see everyone again,” Michaele said, wrapped in a group hug with the members of the Dhoonya Indian Dance troupe.

“We’ve been laying low — keeping quiet and just enjoying some time on the farm — getting ready for the big America’s Cup this year,” her husband added, promising big surprises for the upcoming event.

One of the biggest secrets is always the event’s musical headliner.

The duo wouldn’t divulge any official dish, but coincidentally – or to throw everyone off the case – choose to play Real Housewife of Atlanta Kim Zolciak‘s Tardy for the Party to jumpstart the evening.

*A version of this post is available on Niteside.