Operation DreamSeed

It started in 2004 when one person in California chose a random soldier’s name off a care package list. She sent the usual a few times – socks, underwear, gum. And though he was thankful, the soldier asked if she could send some items for the local school the next time instead. This is how Operation DreamSeed was born.

Individuals and social groups have been assembling “kits” or backpacks of school supply items for the children of Afghanistan, a contribution that helps the youth and Afghan schools to accomplish their dream. These donations of supplies and monetary support have so far helped scholars in Khandahar, at the Sayed Bacha School, at Nele Zaragak, and the Kohak School.

An event was held Thursday night in D.C., which introduced me to the effort. Even Hamid Karzai’s (President of Afghanistan) brother (a champion of the cause) was in attendance to raise funds and celebrate Operation DreamSeed’s success.

Check out the website for information on how you can help.