Opera in the Outfield

For the second year in Washington, “pre-gaming” for the Opera will involve ballpark concessions, games, and giveaways. That’s some open minded opera.

As Neil Alpert explained to us on an earlier webisode of The District Dish, the Washington National Opera (WNO) is bringing back ‘Opera in the Outfield’ for its second year. The program, a simulcast of the Opera occurring live on stage at the Kennedy Center, will bring close to 25,000 to Nationals ballpark for family fun and operatic fantasy.

On September 12th, opening night of WNO’s 54th season, the general public (no reservation’s required) is invited to experience ‘The Barber of Seville’, one of the most popular comedic operas, free on the ballpark scoreboard.

Catch some culture September 12th at 7:00 PM, “pre-game” activities start at 5:30.