LLS Fundraising Competitor “Gets **** Done,” puts together awesome auction event

Cocktails and eye candy were abundant at Tuesday night’s date auction with proceeds to benefit Nicole Siobal‘s LLS Woman of the Year fundraising efforts.  Athletes Donovan McNabb, Clinton Portis, and Chris Cooley were on hand with DC notables Ebong Eka, Becky Lee, Katherine Kennedy and Matt Landsburg to help the “small but feisty” Siobal promote awareness and funding of blood cancers in memory of her best friend, Joy. 

With only 5 days to put the auction together – her last major event of the 10 week competition – scrappy Siobal shared with the audience her passion to “get sh*t done” and auctioned off hotties, including Clinton Portis, who promised to cook for his date.  Mr. Sporty and Spices brought in $550.

(Image: Clinton Portis with Nicole Siobal.)

*Khlaleelah Po Rome contributed this post.