Joining in on the Chorus

Even if you can’t sing a note, there’s a place for you in the choir. Just ask the folks at the annual Choral Arts patronage get-together – doing less singing and more sipping – at the historic Georgetown Club last Friday night.

“We are all about music, but we do know how to throw great parties,” said Choral Arts Director of Development Emily Riffle.
Fundraising checks came in as the champagne poured, all with a mission to promote DC’s 45 year old chorus – one of the major Choral Arts organizations in the US – and nurture critical and creative thinking through music for all age levels.
“Yes, we are good at mixing music and fun,” added member Nancy Margaret Ray Adler (with Riffle, above left). “The December Gala is probably my favorite. We look forward to it every year!”
Led by esteemed Artistic Director Norman Scribner, the symphony choir has sung under some of the world’s most distinguished conductors. Their upcoming Musical Evening in Russia has already sold out the 1,000 seat St. Matthews Cathedral.