Appalachian Odyssey, A 28-Year Hike of America’s Trail

July 12, 2016 @ 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Thos. Moser Georgetown Showroom
1028 33rd St NW
Washington, DC 20007
Take a hike with Jeffrey Ryan on July 12th at the Thos. Moser Georgetown Showroom
Former L.L. Bean catalog writer, Falmouth, Maine resident, author and speaker Jeffrey Ryan will begin his 40-plus-stop book tour for his new book Appalachian Odyssey, A 28-Year Hike of America’s Trail at Thos. Moser’s Georgetown Showroom at 1028 33rd Street, NW, Washington, DC on Tuesday, July 12 from6-8:30 p.m.
Fittingly, as a fellow Maine-based business, Thos. Moser, Handmade American Furniture, is Ryan’s first stop on his five-month book tour to discuss his 28-year trip that he says encourages setting goals, chasing dreams and achieving them one step at a time.
Traveling in his 1985 Vanagon wrapped in the Appalachian Odyssey book cover, Ryan will also stop at 30 L.L. Bean stores from Maine to Colorado to discuss hiking the Appalachian Trail that runs from Maine to Georgia. He hiked each trail one at a time with each section of the book presented as a self-contained story, modeled loosely on Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Jeff Ryan will be available to discuss his adventures and his new book during the day and evening of July 12th at the Thos. Moser showroom where his 1985 book-wrapped Vanagon will be parked in front of the Georgetown shop.
For more information about Jeffrey Ryan and Appalachian Odyssey published by Down East Books, visit