Consumer Electronics’ Gary Shapiro Fulfills Dream… and New Year’s Resolution

Declaring there is nothing more important to the future of the consumer electronics industry than innovation, techies and tastemakers gathered together Wednesday night at the Hotel George in honor of Consumer Electronics Association President and CEO Gary Shapiro’s new book, “The Comeback: How Innovation Will Restore the American Dream.”

“This has always been a lifetime dream of mine, to write a book,” said Shapiro, surrounded by a crowd that included Grover Norquist and Congressman Darrell Issa.

“It’s been a New Year’s resolution for at least twelve years – it was the only one I met last year actually…  cause I didn’t run or lose the weight or do all of the other stuff.”

“I don’t agree with all of the things in the book,” admitted Shapiro, “but I’ve been gratified because I’ve done a lot of speaking about [it] around the country – to liberal Deomocrats, to conservative Republicans, to government contractors and other organizations… and what’s amazing to me is that people are actually excited about the concept that you can focus on the future of America and focus on innovation in America and exceptionalism in America and believe it!  And [they] believe that things have to be done in America to make a change.” 

*Also available on Niteside.