An Ideal Husband

“What better place than Washington, DC to explore scandalous pasts and the difficulty of separating the personal from the political?”  asks Michael Khan, Artistic Director of the Shakespeare Theatre Company, about An Ideal Husband, the company’s third Oscar Wilde production.

At times devastatingly heartfelt while mixed with situational hilarity, An Ideal Husband is a comedy drama marked with blackmail and political corruption.  Sir Robert Chiltern (played by Gregory Wooddell) and other characters struggle to maintain their public and private integrity in a setting that is just as relevant in the present day as it has been since the time of its writing in 1895.

Perhaps even more striking than the stage action is the set, created by Simon Higlett and accompanied by remarkable period costume pieces designed by Robert Perdziola.  Transporting the audience into historic upper class London disguises a present day lesson to be learned.

*An Ideal Husband runs through April 16, 2011 at Sidney Harmon Hall.