Around TownArts/Theatre

Hadestown Takes Audiences to Hell and Back at National Theatre

Hadestown North American Tour 2023. Image credit T. Charles Erikson.

Brooding and dark, but also hopeful and resonant. Hadestown is beautiful and sad, and it’s not for everyone.

Yes, the musical tragedy is highly acclaimed, which is undoubtedly thanks to its vibrant jazz music, poignant lyrical singing, and dramatic staging. But it’s also heavy with socialist political messaging. And while each performer is marvelous in their own right, at times their collective chemistry misses its mark.

Hadestown North American Tour 2023. Image credit T. Charles Erikson.

Hadestown intertwines the basics of two Greek myths and ultimate love stories — that of Orpheus and Eurydice and King Hades and his wife Persephone. Some pertinent details are missing, like Eurydice’s viper bite, but the point that one (Persephone) goes to stay in the Underworld for love while another (Orpheus) goes to Hell and back to save his love does meld the disastrous duo of legends together quite well.

As Hermes — as narrator — warns, it’s a sad story.  No spoilers there… these were first told about 530 BC! But even through the mortal anguish, audiences will sing along with the Fates (Dominque Kempf, Belén Moyano, Nyla Watson), chuckle at the brashness of Hermes (Nathan Lee Graham), raise a glass to Persephone’s (Maria-Christina Oliveras) need for some me-time outside of her marriage, and melt into the very different vocal stylings of the devilishly bass Hades (Matthew Patrick Quinn) and airily angelic Orpheus (J. Antonio Rodriguez).

Hadestown North American Tour 2023. Image credit T. Charles Erikson.

The moral message isn’t entirely clear. Is Hadestown about staying true to your word? Accepting fate? Moving on with the change of seasons… and sorrows? Whatever you take from it, this is a musical experience that offers the promise of metamorphosis from modernizing ancient myths.

Hadestown is at National Theatre through June 18, 2023. Recommended for ages 8 and up. Runtime is approximately 2.5 hours with one intermission. Tickets here.