Where’s the Monkey?

Where in DC is Crooked Monkey???

Meet Crooked Monkey. The monkey has been a busy boy – planning a “Photoshoot at the Warehouse” to announce some new initiatives and remind people of Crooked Monkey’s presence in DC. Yes, they are a local company. Remember this interview on The District Dish?

Would YOU like to attend “Photoshoot at the Warehouse” and learn more about this company that has Ryan Seacrest and other celebrity favorites sporting their wares? The event on Sunday, September 13th is invite only, with a guest list of only 100 of the sharpest tastemakers in the city. Here’s your chance to join us!

In the photo above, Crooked Monkey is monkeying around the city. Look closely at the photo to guess where in the city Crooked Monkey stopped to take a break. The first e-mail to kate@kstreetkate.net with the correct location (and yes, you have to name the boat!) will receive a coveted invite to the open bar extravaganza!

*UPDATE The answer is The Georgetown at the C&O Canal. The winner of our trivia contest was Professor Greg McNeal of Penn State’s Dickinson School of Law. Unfortunately, Greg declined our prize because he will be out of town, but we thought some of our readers might want to check out his interesting blog on law and national security policy: The Law and Terrorism Blog. (How very DC!) Congratulations to Kimberly Van who also sent in the right answer and will be attending Crooked Monkey’s “Photoshoot at the Warehouse.”