What Book Got You Hooked?

When you’re reading a great book, you just can’t put it down. And so while we’re fresh off the literacy train from the National Book Festival, we just can’t stop steamrolling along with some other book events this month. We’re hooked on books!

Perry Hooks and Loretta Yenson actually co-Founded a series of events, aptly named Hooks Books events that they’ll be lining up with best-selling authors for us in October. This ticketed author series includes an author lecture and/or Q&A as well as a signed copy of the featured book! Read all about it:

10/16 Deepak Chopra comes to the GW Lisner Auditorium with his newest best-seller “Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You.” 7:30 PM. $35

10/22 What would you do if your parents were imprisoned for suspicions of espionage during the Cold War? Kati Marten wrote a book about it! “Enemies of the People: My Family’s Journey in America.” Check it out and meet Kati at the Amplify Public Affairs Office at 6:30 PM. $28

10/26 Freaked out by Freakonomics? Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s Superfreakonomics will surely blow your mind! Find out whether driving drunk or walking drunk is more dangerous…and other tales of the freakishly true, at the Washington Post Conference Center, 7 PM. $40

10/28 Local favorite David Baldacci is set to introduce us to some of his newest characters in True Blue at the Washington Post Conference Center, as well as donate a percentage of the proceeds to the DC Police Foundation, 6 PM. $50
Check out Hook Books Events for more info on these author activities.
And the page-turner… we’ll use this opportunity to remind you that if ever you’d like to make a donation to children’s literacy in memory of that book that got you hooked, please consider First Book. Every $10 donated puts 5 new books into the hands of children who need them to learn and grow.