New News: Nathan’s to Close

Despite our earlier news that Nathan’s would, indeed, be able to continue to remain in operation with a renewed lease, we learn today that the tune has changed yet again.

From Proprietor Carol Ross Joynt:

Dear Friends,

After 40 years of serving millions of happy and loyal customers, and opening its doors 365 days of every year, Nathans will close at last call on Sunday, July 12. This ends an era of delicious, interesting and often outrageous moments at what Zagat called “the quintessential Georgetown saloon.”

We hope over the next week you will find the time to come in and enjoy a last drink and meal with us. We wish we could give it away, but economic reality is that we need your dollars. Also, if I may, I urge you to please be generous with the staff.

With a heavy heart and much gratitude,
Carol Joynt

“You gotta know when to hold ’em
know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away ….” – Kenny Rogers

Join us in toasting the many memories of this historic establishment any night this week.