Kastles Get Kinged

Last night the Washington Kastles won the 2009 World Team Tennis Championship Tournment 23-20. It was my first Kastles game (thanks to Winston Lord for the tickets!) and I enjoyed finally seeing what all the fuss was about.

In advance of Sunday’s match, on Saturday night, both teams convened at L2 Lounge for a reception in their honor prior to the championship game. Billie Jean King, co-Founder of WTT introduced the Coaches and Kastles owner Mark Ein and explained the significance of the King Trophy. With five individuals (four players and that integral Coach) all reaching for the serve, World Team Tennis is about achieving athletic prowess while working together. It’s about involving your teammates and involving the fans – truly a group effort.

And it was a group effort that led the Kastles to the ultimate win last night against the Springfield Lasers. We congratulate the team, pictured at right with Coach Murphy Jensen, on their outstanding accomplishment and look forward to more accolades for the team, more trophies, and many more years of team tennis in the District.
(Photo credit: Angela Steever-Diba)