Flip Cup Face-Off

A puck or a bucket of beer – as long it’s on ice, these players are game.

Still in town after Saturday night’s loss to the Washington Capitals, the Phoenix Coyotes got a chance to show that they can get a win in Washington.

A group of Georgetown University undergraduates came upon the players enjoying the Colts vs. Jets football game while nursing their egos at Georgetown’s popular Rhino Bar (3295 M Street NW)

“This is probably the coolest game I’ve ever seen put together in this place,” said Rhino manager Dave Nelson as the collegiates challenged the sports stars to a round of Flip Cup.

The game goes like this: After chugging a full beer, players attempt to completely flip an empty plastic cup off the edge of the table so that it stands upright. A failed flip results in another chug, then rebound and repeat.

The Coyotes accepted the challenge on one condition. “We don’t do beer on tap, so it’ll have to be Miller Lite bottles,” said one of the toothless titans.

Despite their routine and intense studies in the field of flip cup, the students were stunned by the icemen’s skills at the toss. And the Coyotes got a rare off-the-ice chance at a hat trick as the students begged to bet on the “best of three.”

*A version of this post appears on NBC’s Niteside.