Circus! Circus! MediaBistro Circus

Forgive us for stepping outside of Narnia for a few days – for your benefit and ours we just HAD to attend MediaBistro Circus in NYC. If you remember, we won the entry fee!

So were there clowns and elephants and unicylists?? No… well, yes to the unicyclist, but that’s only because Cirque du Soleil happened to be performing nearby… This circus was more about the fun of mixing media and technology – and seeing how businesses like this online magazine can grow!

We talked about creating a global (or local) phenomenon with Tim Ferriss; the future of publishing with reps from Blurb, PCMag and others; the importance of relationships with Keith Ferrazzi; brand all-stars with Steve Rubel of Edelman; crowdsourcing with Jeff Howe of Wired; and learned all about the interactive newsroom with the folks from the New York Times.

So what does this mean for you? In the coming weeks and months you’ll see how our new knowledge helps us to bring you a better online experience. We promise our own circus – full of interesting stories, multimedia creativity… and probably some stupid human, um… tricks! We hope you’ll check in often to share your thoughts.