Barry… in a Bind

The DC Council voted unanimously to censure Ward 8 Representative Marion Barry today, but “he’s been through worse” according to some sources.

“I have a long history of great integrity,” Barry pleaded before the vote was taken.  

In fact, the 2nd (and 4th) elected Mayor of DC is no stranger to criminal prosecution, receiving more than wrist slaps for traffic violations, failure to file tax returns and pay taxes… and then there’s that infamous arrest on drug charges in 1990.

Yet the man who once ran under the slogan “He May Not Be Perfect, But He’s Perfect for D.C.” still commands enough love and respect that a constituent would give up her kidney to his cause.

Barry claimed in a hearing on Tuesday that the reports made him out to be a “Southeast Hustler,” and insisted that he broke no laws, but instead used “poor judgement” in awarding contracts to his former girlfriend and accepting contract kickbacks.

Today’s unanimous censure vote stripped him of all committee assignments and chairmanship. This is the first time the Council has ever taken action against one of their own.