At the Theatre…Congratulations

A dramatic interlude, a comedy of errors … or just a night out in DC. Thursday night we stopped in to congratulate DC’s newest crowned head, Miss District of Columbia 2009, Jen Corey at the Dupont home of Miss DC Scholarship Pageant Executive Director Teri Galvez and Michael Cleary.

Continuing with the crowning, we passed by to congratulate Teatro Goldoni on its remarkable RAMMY win last month. The popular Italian restuarant won a people’s choice award – and further solidified itself as a power spot to eat, meet and mingle.

Then on to the last stop of the evening, to congratulate bronzed birthday boy Jimmy Rayborn on the successful passing of another year. Jimmy and a guest list of over 700 of his closest friends (not all were able to fit in the lounge, of course!) toasted his unknown age at L2.

TGI (now) F!!