America I Am

What would America be like if there had been no Michael Jordan, no Ray Charles, no Barack Obama?  

Now on view at the National Geographic Museum, is the award-winning touring exhibition “America I AM: The African American Imprint,”  conceived and presented by broadcaster Tavis Smiley.  “America I AM” and its over 200 artifacts gives an in-depth look at the pivotal and continuing role of black individuals in shaping the development of America.

Visitors will walk through the “Door of No Return” from the Cape Coast castle in Ghana to view items from historic and contemporary icons, such as: Frederick Douglass’ clothing, Muhammad Ali’s robe, Malcolm X’s journal and personal Quran, and performance costumes of Michael Jackson, Etta James, Jimi Hendrix and Tupac.

*This curation of our collected experience is only available until May 1, 2011.  Look for free/reduced ticket offers and special programs during Black History Month and DC’s Emancipation Day free family festival.  Online tickets can be purchased here.