[Party Pix] Inside Room to Rebloom’s Empowerment Party on the Potomac
In conjunction with Entertainment Cruises and the National Elite Private Yacht, Room to Rebloom hosted a “Rebloom on the River” cruise on Wednesday, October 25th in an effort to raise awareness about domestic violence and the positive impact of design in rebuilding survivors’ lives.

The mission of Room to Rebloom is to empower low income women and families in the National Capital Area who have been victims of domestic violence by providing them with design services and other resources needed to create beautiful home environments and rebuild their lives.

Entertainment Cruises donated a dinner cruise for four to the Experience Extravaganza giveaway and all guests received a commemorative glass. In addition, event sponsor In Honor of Her, a nonprofit founded in memory of Marijke McMahon, whose life tragically ended as a result of domestic violence, addressed guests about the importance of spreading awareness and continued efforts to end the violence.

– Photo Credit: Joy Asico –