“Notes for Books” – G’town Library Benefit

Unless you’ve been under a rock for a year or so, you’ll know that the cause I personally champion is literacy. I was so distraught when the Georgetown Library, a model library in the District, caught fire earlier this year, and my heart now warms at the area residents who are so concerned with its restoration and enhancement!

Last night the supporters of the Georgetown Library benefit gathered together for a night of incredible music at St. John’s Epsicopal church with Chief Librarian Ginny Cooper, the Ambassadors of the Russian Federation, Mongolia, Ukraine, Malaysia, France and Sweden, and Georgetown’s own fearless fundraiser, Frida Burling.

HanZone Productions presented donated a beautiful concert, Carnival of the Animals, which was preceeded by a musical suite and Hungarian Rhapsody number 2. Participants were urged to sponsor donations for the children’s library project or adopt a painting from the Peabody Room for recovery and restoration.