K Street Kate Gets Scribbler Award

A huge THANK YOU to DCFab for giving me this award and allowing me to pass it on!! Part of the fun is in selecting my 5 Scribbler nominations, so let me list the rules for the future recipients of the Superior Scribbler Award:1) Pass The Award on to the five (5) most deserving bloggers.
2) Each recipient must link to the author and name of the blog from whom The Award was received.
3) Each “Superior Scribbler” must display The Award on their blog and link back to this which explains The Award.
4) Each blogger must visit this site and add their name to the Mr. Linky List. (Wow- I’m #495!)5) Each blogger must post these rules.

And now I get to pass it on! Here’s my nomination for the 5 most deserving bloggers/superior scribblers:

http://thefabulousgiver.wordpress.com/ – The Fabulous Giver is a ‘one-stop-blog’ for readers to know about nationwide charitable giving events and opportunities. A blogger after my own heart!

http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/ – The Sartorialist is one of Time Magazine’s 100 Top Design Influencers, yet still maintains it’s Blogger template and grassroots feel. Best thing about it? It’s global!

http://geofflivingston.com/ – I think Geoff Livingston is a lot like me. His blog is a mix of work, hobbies, events, thoughts, and general info on his life. And he’s an interesting guy!

http://dctrendspot.com/ – I usually think I’m wearing/doing/eating/sponsoring something trendy… or at least acceptably trendy and chic. If I’m wrong – or right! – the TrendSpot will set me straight.

http://eavesdropdc.blogspot.com/ – Because it totally makes me laugh! I used to write quotes I heard around town… but this blogger hears some of the best. Maybe someday s/he’ll be eavesdropping on me!

There you go – add to your blogrolls and happy reading!