Halloween chez Mr. Dean

As everyone knows, Halloween is a lady’s chance to invent herself as something she, um, always wanted to be. Foxy firefighters, naughty nurses, and diva devils come out to play. Me, I wasn’t bad… just drawn that way! I thought it would be easy to recognize the sultry sexpot, Jessica Rabbit, from Who Framed Roger Rabbit… apparently I was the only one who watched that movie?!?

Regardless, the parties this weekend were wicked! The talk of the town was Bill’s Haunted Halloween Hell House (I’m giving it that name on my own) where the party lasted waaaaay longer than I did… I can’t even begin to describe the debauchery – but I know you can imagine it!

Inside, outside, on the roof – hundreds of FOB’s (Friends of Bill… and Sherif, Tony, Anthony, and Kos) – partied like rock stars, dancing to the band, in cages, on the pool table, and anywhere else they could make-shift a dancefloor.

Thank goodness for Sunday, a day of rest and recovery.