Carl & Jossie’s Birthday Bashes

I love it when birthdays turn out to be Who’s Who parties! Carl Becker and Jossie Ali tried to have a collective birthday at L2 last Friday night, but the guest list got too big for its own britches. They split it up for the best of both worlds, with Jossie holding court at L2 while Carl lorded over the takedowns at SmithPoint.

I was too lazy for double duty, so was happy to see Carl at the beginning of the evening at L2, where I stayed all night. Jossie looked stunning, as always!

So.. I can’t speak to the star-factor in Bo’s Basement, but the eye candy at Leopold’s Lounge was serious. You already know all of the ladies were lovely… some of the most brilliant of which were Tara DeNicolas, Ellen Grantham, and Andrea Johnson. Male attendees included Rick Rickertsen, Jimmy Lynn, about-to-be wed David Sutphen, and recently engaged Tripp Donnelly, who were joined by Redskin Shaun Springs about midnight.

And that’s when I turned into a pumpkin. A girl can’t travel to Bermuda on party fumes…