BBQs, Bars & Baricades

Let’s just say I was celebrating one week of the new job…
Tuesday night started out simply with a BBQ at Steve Andronico’s house with Curtis Jablonka, the beautiful Becker brother/sister duo, Ed Romanoff, Michael Saylor and the other usual suspects.

Yet I had made a promise – not that Piero Spada needs any help to promote Fly Tuesdays! So we joined heavy hitters Kate Adamson, Seyhan Duru, Gary Clark, Fernando Murias, Charlie Thomas… (See why you should make Tuesday the new Saturday?!) for a serious workout on the dancefloor.

Just after Dina and I got home, Carl Becker‘s text did make me a little nervous. Yes, even on a Tuesday the DC Police are cracking down on drunk drivers, setting up baricades and administering sobriety tests. (Of course, Carl was fine – he was just sending us a warning to be careful!) So – take a taxi! – it’s worth it, even if we do have a silly zone system in the District.